WorldLine Training Ltd
WorldLine Training
“This award is a proud moment for everyone at Matsuura UK. We have always nurtured a strong people culture at Matsuura, and consider ourselves to be a very progressive and caring company.
Although we have a clearly defined, effective and highly functioning corporate management structure, we never forget that all our staff are human beings – our friends and colleagues.
Supporting our staff and helping them grow in their careers, and taking a genuine interest in their hopes and aspirations – not just in their career but also in their family lives, really does nurture an extended family ethos and cultural feel here at Matsuura UK.
I am sure that the market success and phenomenal growth Matsuura has experienced over the past 15 years is in large part down to the culture we have all worked so hard to bring to fruition here at Matsuura UK - & this award belongs to everyone at Matsuura, as everyone plays their part in defining and sustaining the positive culture here.”
Roger Howkins, Managing Director, Matsuura UK

Roger Howkins wasn't difficult to find at MACH '24 when I visited the Matsuura stand. He'd made a video highlighting the company's provision which had impressed me with evident attention to personnel. Something in the presentation told of people-centric values, even though the emphasis adhered to product range -
When I found myself invited onto the Coalville site, what struck me initially was the calm, effortless atmosphere. Nobody seemed to be stressed, downcast, or running to catch the next fire-fight. There appeared no evidence of demoralisation, everyone seemed convivial and the presence of the MD wasn't phasing anyone as far as I could tell. Roger liked the idea of an anonymous Assessment, and pledged to consult with the rest of his team.
A few weeks later on the last day of July, I had completed a four-day survey of the employee matrix and crunched through the data; finding myself utterly awed by the results I'd secretly commissioned a crystal award for Outstanding Culture. More than 70% of personnel across the matrix had given glowing reports of leadership, values and operational excellence - in my experience, that was a record of achievement that I strongly believed to warrant some visible form of commendation.
A Journey of Discovery in Creating an Outstanding Culture
Thoughts whirred into life in the Strategy meeting as I confronted the directorship team with questions they hadn't been asked by an outsider before. What had they done to address cultural issues? What were their strategic priorities in terms of workforce dynamics? And what of their passions for development? No, not the target-driven fiscal ones, the passions in their hearts - the ones that really proved important to people and would raise the bar on excellence in a sustainable, practicable way.
As answers came thick and fast, the outcomes were invigorating. Direct appraisal of the situation, what they had done to achieve so much thus far, and how they could sustain the positive impact of those achievements glowed like a beacon for cultural ascension. They knew from personal experience that once excellence is tasted, nobody wants to go back to the way things were before. They realised also that it was in their hands to enrich a recipe that was proving some remarkable puddings and ensure that everyone else's input became upwardly sustainable, too.
For the time being, this is where the story ends but in the spirit of synchronous advocacy, is also where it begins. Rarely does one encounter such a bright reflection of mutual goals and aspirations. I was lucky enough to find kindred spirits at Matsuura, and look forward to a long and happy association in whatever form our future enterprise may hold.